Timetable of Events for GLFC Fun Day [run with Parish Council]
Mini World Cup
Commences 9.30 am.
Age groups / Session
1. U7 Bulldogs, U8 Avengers, U9 Sabres
2. U10 Lightnings,U10 Warriors,U11 Crusaders
3. U13 Cougers,U13 Jets, U14 Dodgers
4. U15 Vulcans,U15 Eagles, U16 Wasps (time permitting)
1. England – Red Bibs
2. Brazil – Yellow Bibbs
3. Italy – Blue Bibs
4. Mexico – Green Bibbs
Games will be 6 minutes per game ,each team will play each other in the group with the winner being the team with the most points, depending on results and in the event of a tie – then penalties take place between the top teams.
The anticipated start time are as follows….
Session 1 - U7-U9
Session 2 - U10-U11
11.30 -1.30pm
Session 3 –U13-U14
Session 4 – U15- u16
3.30 5.30pm
At the end of each session all GLFC Members will receive a special 20th Aniversary Trophy.
Penalty Shoot Out
Start time 10am
Finish time 4pm
£1 for 3 penalties.
Age groups
Under 9
10-16 years
Player scoring the most penalties wins a trophy e.g if a player was to spend £5 and take 15 penalties scoring 13 goals he may be the leading scorer.
Trophies presented at 4pm
1 trophy presented per age group
NERF Target Shoot Out
Start time 10am
Finish time 4pm
£1 for 6 darts
Age groups
Under 10’s
Player scoring the most points wins a Nerf gun.
Prizes presented at 4pm
1 NERF Gun per age group
Subbuteo Inflatable 5 a Side
Restricted Height Applicable - Juniors Only
Start time 10am
Finish time 4pm
Teams will be colour coded using bibs and the game time duration will be 10 minutes.
Entry fee £1 per player.( 10 players 5-a side)